You Are the Healer. How to Heal and Re-Energize Yourself with Meditation
Our body has to go through a lot. Modern living is stressful; the sheer pace saps us of strength ...
7 Healthy Sleep Habits to Help You Get a Restful Night’s Sleep
Been tossing and turning too much in bed? Waking up too many times during the night?
Fall Asleep Without Trying: How a Letting-Go Attitude Helps You Snooze
You work hard through the day. You make a long commute to work.
How is Meditable different from other meditation apps?
We have created Meditable to empower our users to personalize ...
How Can You Crack a Job Interview? Meditate.
How do I nail a job interview? If you are not your own boss, then this question ...
Acceptance: Let Guided Meditation Teach You How to be Okay
We all know at least a few of these people. The ones who are okay with whatever happens ...
The Forgotten Art of Being Present and How Guided Meditation Helps
It is quite natural for you to be perplexed when someone suggests ...
Become More Confident By Changing Your Relationship With Your Self
Loving ourselves does not come easy to most of us. Even the (seemingly) ...
6 Ways Meditation Helps You Form and Sustain the Habit of Exercising
You know about the benefits of regular exercising. (In case, you are skeptical ...
7 Ways Regular Exercise Improves Your Life
Exercise is good for us. So it is not surprising that so many people would resolve ...
5 Reasons Why You Should Connect With Your Personal Values
Owen Shaw: You know, when I was young, my brother always used to say, ...
7 Ways Gratitude Boosts Your Life, Love, and Health
It is just a “Thank You.” But when you really mean it and hold on to the feeling of thankfulness ...
Ways Meditation Banishes Food Cravings
There are not many people who can claim they have never experienced food cravings.
Subtle but Profound Ways Meditation Keeps You Committed to Healthy Eating
Why is it that you, who sets and gets goals at ease, can’t stick to a healthy eating plan for even a week?
How Meditation Makes You Less of a Worrier and More of a Problem-Solver
The mental health benefits of meditation are well-documented. Meditation is known to calm the mind ...
Stress Does Not Have to be Stressful How to Use Stress Constructively
You are a living, breathing being who inhabits this world and works and plays here.
The 7 Commandments of Being Highly Productive
We all have dreams we want to fulfill. The corner office. Owning a business. Writing a book.
How Not to Procrastinate: 10 Tips to Help You Get Things Done on Time
Procrastination. We are all guilty of it. We all have, at some point in our lives, put off doing something...
How to Succeed at Goal Setting with Smart Strategies
Much has been written on goal setting. Webinars, podcasts, posts, and infographics on goal setting...